You can count on Constructive
Constructive has insurance options for everyone from beginner landlords to portfolio property investors.
We offer coverage in all 50 states, including coastal regions, making us an easy choice.
Who we cover
Where we operate
Coverage With A Purpose
We cover landlords and can also help your tenants.
First Time Investors
We can help get you on the path to success.
Fix & Flips
You need fast, correct coverage – and that’s what we do.
Vacant Properties
Vacant needs special coverage – we can help you through vacant issues.
Multi-Property Bundles
3 or 3000 – we provide a bundle that saves you money and time.
Insurance is just the beginning of what we deliver for REITs.
Professional Investors
Work with an insurance provider who knows this business as well as you do.
The Constructive Advantage
We’re a small firm of industry experts who have been working with real estate investors for decades. We have strong relationships with our carriers so we can get coverage quickly and build an insurance plan based on your unique needs.
Fast Turn Times
Constructive makes requesting a quote and getting coverage simple, fast, and transparent.
Dedicated Reps
We assign you your own dedicated representative to service your account so you know exactly who to call.
Top Tier Providers
We work with some of the highest rated carriers in the business to provide you with the best options for your needs.
What makes us the experts?
As a partner to a group of companies in the real estate industry, we have direct access to experts in REO, title clearing and escrow, investor lending, and renovation project management. When you sit down to talk with us, we bring resources to the table far beyond what other insurance brokers can provide. We start our partnership with a quote and then stay with you on every step of your real estate investing journey, offering guidance and a full suite of products to meet your needs.